28. The art of comedy - how does your life inform your punchline with Rubi

28. The art of comedy - how does your life inform your punchline with Rubi

Hello creators,

Tune into the newest episode of Humanly, where I talk with Rubi Nicholas, a comedian crowned TV's Funniest Mom in America on Nick@Nite, who shares her life-inspired punchlines and above all, how comedy fuels her joy of life. 

You’ll also learn more about:

  • how life synchronicities brought her to comedy

  • how your personal growth and cultural upbringing can feed your art

  • how to nurture your WHY for pursuing art

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Happy flowing!

Short stories, flash fiction, and poetry that crack your heart open. Weekly life-inspired stories infused with emotion and whimsy. Join me in my everyday exploration of the magic moments wrapped in the mundane.