26. Embodied creativity - how to get attuned to your body and learn to read its cues with Paula

26. Embodied creativity - how to get attuned to your body and learn to read its cues with Paula

Hello Creators, 

Join me in my newest episode where I discuss ways to tap into your authentic self. I'll share my experience of joining improv theatre and aerial arts and how it shaped my perspective on realigning my inner world with external projections.

Embodied self-expression teaches you not to overthink it. It also gives you perspective on progress - success and failure are two sides of the same coin.

If you feel blocked, embodied creativity can get you into a sense of flow, and create a connection with yourself. It gives you clarity on where you want to go.

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Happy flowing!

Short stories, flash fiction, and poetry that crack your heart open. Weekly life-inspired stories infused with emotion and whimsy. Join me in my everyday exploration of the magic moments wrapped in the mundane.